Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Third Time's the Charm

This is not a recommendation of this brownie mix. I just liked the picture, though now that I look at the recipe, the mix doesn't look too bad either. I mean, I has more sugar than flour, and it has more than two cups of cocoa. Win.

This is my first post on this blog, but I've previously started two other blogs, which are now basically defunct. The first one was just a collection of thoughts and things I found on the internet. It also included long posts and explanations about a few things that I had strong opinions about at the time. Considering that I'm both somewhat flaky and somewhat unwilling to open myself up completely in writing, that blog was doomed from the beginning.

The second blog that I started was dedicated to writing about death knights in World of Warcraft. There is a serious lack of good death knight blogs, which frequently means that there is a serious lack of good death knights in the game. Regardless, I lost interest in that (the blog, not the game) so that is just sitting there as well.

In the name of full disclosure there have been two other attempts, but those were so short that I don't really count them. Besides, if I titled this post "fifth time's the charm," it would look even worse than it already does.

So here is the plan: I'm a bit of an ingrate. I'd like to change that. The plan is to hop on here every day or so and just take a minute to find something to be grateful about that day. As my English teachers used to say, I should show, not tell you things, so I'll make this entry number one.

Today I am grateful for brownies. My wife and I are trying to be healthier in life, so we've been eating less meat, more fruits and vegetables, fewer sweets, etc. I made some vegetarian stir fry for dinner tonight (which was surprisingly good), and then I had to go to rehearsal for several hours after that. When I got home my wife threw some brownies in the oven so that she could take some to a friend who she'd been meaning to bring something to. Of course she didn't bring the whole pan, so we happily ruined our healthy eating for the day and gorged ourselves on brownies. They hit the spot for me (I have a bad habit of getting a midnight snack). So in conclusion, brownies=awesome.


  1. Yay! You have a blog! Let's be blog friends!

  2. Absolutely let's be blog friends. You win the prize for first commenter ever. Congratulations.
