Wednesday, March 2, 2011

New Music

Right now I'm part of IU's Contemporary Vocal Ensemble. Now, if you know me well, you also know that I'm frequently less than thrilled with one thing or another about the choir. In fact we have a few weeks off from choir right now and I'm really enjoying it. But even though I gripe about it, the reality is that much of the music that we've done I've actually enjoyed.

I'm also in rehearsals for Vincent, a new opera commissioned by IU, so I'll be part of a world premier, which is pretty cool. Vincent is another thing a little bit like CVE. I'll gripe about it, but it's growing on me. I think I'll actually enjoy it more and more as time goes on.

So today I'm grateful for new music. Sometimes it's weird, sometimes it sounds horrible, sometimes the composers don't know anything about healthy writing for the voice. Sometimes you have to make ridiculous noises and call it art. But sometimes the composers and performers find something new, something exciting, and ultimately something meaningful and touching.

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